Culture and creativity western balkans

With common effort of Vishni community board and our artistic collectives Slowly we are equipping community center in Vishni to a place from where new values should arrive by interconnection among locals, visitors and artists. In the frame of the project “Arist in the community _residency and development hub, Vishni”. Visuals for the space are the design of the young architect from Struga, Jordan Lazoroski, who was our first job shadower in the project. Wanna be a jobshadower yourself? How about to help us make his wonderful vision into a reality?! Or maybe you have idea for some content that will contribute to the hub programme?! Be free to get in touch with us. Artist in the community, residency and development hub Vishni” is project implemented by Initiative for Independent Cultural Activism INCA Struga and Mini Pogon, Belgrade, supported by “Culture and Creativity for the Western Balkans” (CC4WBs), project funded by the European Union that aims to foster dialogue in the Western Balkans by enhancing the cultural and creative sectors for increased socio-economic impact.
#VishniResidenceSite #artistinthecomunity #BeingWithJablanica
#CC4WBs, #CCI #culture, #EU,
UNESCO Office in Venice Delegation of the European Union, Skopje
Министерство за култура / Ministria e Kulturës

Со заеднички труд и влог помеѓу Месна заедница Вишни и нашите уметнички колективи, во изминатиов период, го опремувавме…

Posted by INKA – Initiative for independent cultural activism on Monday, January 29, 2024